Forncett Flyer 2014

The Forncett Flyer, village newspaper for the Forncetts, is published monthly, except for September and January, and is an independent publication, paid for by Forncett Parish Council and by the local advertisers contained in it. It is produced by an editorial team consisting of Su Leavesley, April Carlin, Terry Henderson, and Jackie Bowers.

There is an index to all Flyer issues up to end 2013 - Forncett Flyer Index


Forncett Flyer December 2014
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Forncett Flyer November 2014
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‘It's goodbye from him and it's goodbye from her’ this month. Forncett is the poorer for losing Drs Willis and Kestin, and I make no apology for the rather orange front page – again! I did however tone it down a bit, so I hope the pink version pleases all.

I have introduced the concept of a photo gallery on the back page as that is where I tend to put all the colour pix relating to articles on b/w pages, keep a close eye on the little tiny faces at the top as they will change occasionally and you may find yourself featured. Only one person has lamented the lack of the diary dates column, so I sent her a list of her own. If you want it back email me at with the words ‘bring it back’ and I will.

The Parish Council want your views on paying extra for gritting the roads; read it on page 6 and comment at . Bonfires are given the once over on page 9, and there’s logs for sale too. Two new approved ticks this month, one for Mike and Jan Smail (p 10) for excellent catering, and the other for Reeder Timber (p 7) for chopping my tree down efficiently.

Forncett Flyer October 2014
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Well we have a big issue again; 16 pages all bursting with news, views and photographs. That's the problem with having a month off; there's too much stuff!!

There's a late look at a fete; a ceilidh; the date of the next harvest supper; photos of the charity bike ride; some road closures because gas is passing through the village – but it's not stopping so don't get excited. Then there is the allotment report; the doctor's report; quite a bit about footpaths; coffee morning photos; the garden club's Gardeners Query Team event with Bob Flowerdew; and more on the Great War, and a photo of Mrs. Doris Posnett who would have been 3 years old when it started.

But I did have a nice long rest, and my allotment is looking all the better for it.


Forncett Flyer August 2014
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Forncett Flyer August 2014

Well, it’s been a bit of a struggle to be honest – getting this month’s edition ready for public consumption. I have a new laptop (which is fine) and Windows 8 which is far from it. I have had a little rant on page 11, so I won't go into it all again here.

For anyone who doesn’t know yet, the front cover tells it all; the Forncett Flyers sports team have won gold at the Village Sport Event. If you don’t like the front cover, start from the back page; you’ll see what I mean.

All the usual reports are in, together with some new ones, and Lady Hetty Leavesley has got her picture in twice; ‘vain, moi?’

I shall be spending the next few weeks at the allotment, but keep sending me stuff, the Flyer will be back in early October.

Su Leavesley

Forncett Flyer July 2014
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This month we have an extra large edition for you; sixteen pages of news, views, and photos of the fete. The four extra inside pages are in glorious colour, and if you were at the fete, you might just find yourself pictured there. So that’s one fete down, two more to go.

Austhorpe house have their fete on Saturday 5th August, and lastly Forncett St Edmund’s church have theirs on 9th August, so you need never be short of home made cake!!

Forncett School gets congratulations for their recent Outstanding Ofsted Report, and there should be more on that in the next issue. Forncett St Peter church will be launching the WW1 project timeline on 2nd August, and there will be a Vigil Church Service on Monday 4th August.

There is a whole page of photos of the Village Games (again) and as they came in as runners up, they will be off to the finals. Even more photos of Diggers & Dibblers out and about, and the W.I. ladies working their fingers to the bone.

Forncett Flyer June 2014
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There are several ways you can give:

• By BACS to the Friends of Chapel Road School Account – Lloyds Bank, Sort Code 30 98 58 Account No. 00683908
• By cheque payable to Friends of Chapel Road School and sent to Chapel Road School, Chapel Road, Attleborough Norfolk NR17 2DS
• By cheque made out to the Rotary Club of Wymondham and sent to me at Chestnut Cottage, Long Stratton Road, Forncett St Peter, Norfolk NR16 1HT

In each case if you are willing and would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation please return this downloadable form, either by post or email, noting your name, address and post code and with a tick in the Gift Aid box. This will add up to 25% to your donation.

Terry Hickman Smith
Forncett End

Forncett Flyer May 2014
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There are several ways you can give:

• By BACS to the Friends of Chapel Road School Account – Lloyds Bank, Sort Code 30 98 58 Account No. 00683908
• By cheque payable to Friends of Chapel Road School and sent to Chapel Road School, Chapel Road, Attleborough Norfolk NR17 2DS
• By cheque made out to the Rotary Club of Wymondham and sent to me at Chestnut Cottage, Long Stratton Road, Forncett St Peter, Norfolk NR16 1HT

In each case if you are willing and would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation please return this downloadable form, either by post or email, noting your name, address and post code and with a tick in the Gift Aid box. This will add up to 25% to your donation.

Terry Hickman Smith
Forncett End

Forncett Flyer April 2014
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Spring has definitely sprung; Julie has planted all sorts of seeds and plants in her allotment, I do hope she doesn’t live to regret it! Superfast broadband has come to some parts of the village, and there is a report on page 9 about that. I don't understand it, but we have had it ‘fitted’ and it’s working fine.

John Webster has taken a stunning photo of Dragon Hall in Norwich, makes me sorry I didn’t go on the trip!

For those of you who are keen on sport, the orange Forncett Flyer team have emerged from hibernation and their new correspondent Andrew Coleman has written a piece to start the season off:

FLOSSY is back for another round, so get your money to Brian Frith ASAP to be in with a chance of winning big-time.

Forncett Flyer March 2014
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This month’s Flyer Letters to the editor don't come very often, but emails do: just recently we have been asked about how to gain access to, and use the defibrillator that is housed at Tacolneston Village Hall. Our investigative team wasted no time in finding out, (see page 4.)

Advertisers - always important to us - come and go; this month we welcome Abie Raynsford, who sounds as if she will be an asset for home maintenance (p. 10); also Sharna at ’Fresh Hair’ in Tacolneston on (p. 8), there’s 10% off there if you hurry. And finally, Stu Hawes gets an approved tick (p. 12 and 9).

Forncett Flyer February 2014
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Happy new year to you all (a bit late, I know) At this time of year it is difficult to think that spring will ever be here, and the February edition of the Forncett Flyer never helps: Christmas has been and gone, but because there is no January edition, all the lovely reports and photos have to appear in this one. You will find these on page 2, 11 and 12 together with some cold, wintry-looking photos by Izabela Wojcik, a new resident of Forncett.

Now, does anyone mind if I blow my own trumpet? Well, I am going to anyway. I have never been much of a success in life, so when Brian Frith suggested submitting the Forncett Flyer to the 2013 National Parish Magazine Awards I didn't expect too much. So when the results came through, and I saw that there were 710 entries from around the country with the standard this year being the highest ever, I was astonished to find that the Forncett Flyer was in the top 5%; it came 34th! (Here’s where I thank everyone and burst into tears).

Su Leavesley